
Connect Chargebee to unlock advanced churn metrics, powerful customer segmentation, automated offers (coupon, trial extension, account pause, plan change) and recovered revenue tracking.


How ProsperStack works

1. Embed the form

Seamlessly integrate the ProsperStack cancellation flow directly into your application with minimal dev time.

2. Learn from cancellations

Collect actionable data from customers when they cancel. Customize survey questions at any time.

3. Prevent churn with offers

Automatically present coupons and more to retain customers based on their answers and segments.

4. Analyze and win back

Use the insights you’ve gathered to improve your product and re-market to lost customers.

How it works with Chargebee

Connect Chargebee to power your automated retention. ProsperStack can automatically present and apply targeted offers including coupons, trial extensions, subscription pauses and plan changes with your Chargebee account.

Chargebee + ProsperStack features

  • Connect to ProsperStack with your Chargebee API key
  • Process cancellations and apply offers automatically
  • Get detailed churn and recovered revenue reports with your Chargebee data
  • Supported offers include coupons, plan changes, trial extensions and subscription pauses

Create targeted incentives to prevent churn

Automate your retention efforts with targeted offers and incentives. Start preventing churn immediately with a customized cancellation flow powered by your Chargebee account — with minimal dev time required.

Offload your cancellation process

ProsperStack manages your entire cancellation process. We use your Chargebee account to handle cancellations, prevent churn with discounts and incentives, collect feedback and track recovered revenue — automatically.

Grow MRR faster with ProsperStack